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Pickleball For All

You don't have to be athletic. You don't have to be fast, or jump high, or have the strength of a cross fitter. To play pickleball you just have to want to play. That's why it is such a good game for us all. A 15 yr old can play with their 65 year old grandparent. A former college tennis player can play with someone who has never played any racquet sports. The thing is; unlike many other sports, everyone can play pickleball. Pickleball for all.

I started Stak with the idea that more people should know about pickleball and have places to play. There are tennis courts in many communities that are no longer being used and because they aren't used towns have chosen not to maintain them. They could be used as pickleball courts. Maybe i can help, I thought. This is where Stak comes in. will give 100% of it's profits away. The money will go to small towns who have courts that need resurfacing. The first town to receive money will be Gaffney, SC. It is my hometown; where my mother and two siblings still live. Whenever I am in Gaffney I always drive by Thompson Park. I spent hours and hours there as a kid playing tennis. The photo below shows the courts.

Right now the court surface is pretty run down. They need to be resurfaced. The profits from will help with the resurfacing.

If you want Stak to consider your hometown, or you know of a town that needs help let me know. i'll do my research to see how we can help.

Thank you to all of you who have bought StaK garments!. I am very grateful.

Maria Byars

P. S. Fun fact on Gaffney, SC. If you watch Netflix's "House of Cards" you may know that Kevin Spacey's character, Frank Underwood, is originally from . . . . . . . . . Gaffney. Yes, the fictional president of the United States is from a small town in South Carolina.

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